Face Detection(人脸检测)#


class fastdeploy.vision.facedet.RetinaFace(model_file, params_file='', runtime_option=None, model_format=<ModelFormat.ONNX: 2>)[source]#

Load a RetinaFace model exported by RetinaFace.

  • model_file – (str)Path of model file, e.g ./retinaface.onnx

  • params_file – (str)Path of parameters file, e.g yolox/model.pdiparams, if the model_fomat is ModelFormat.ONNX, this param will be ignored, can be set as empty string

  • runtime_option – (fastdeploy.RuntimeOption)RuntimeOption for inference this model, if it’s None, will use the default backend on CPU

  • model_format – (fastdeploy.ModelForamt)Model format of the loaded model

property downsample_strides#

Argument for image postprocessing step, downsample strides (namely, steps) for RetinaFace to generate anchors, will take (8,16,32) as default values


Get profile time of Runtime after the profile process is done.

property landmarks_per_face#

Argument for image postprocessing step, landmarks_per_face, default 5 in RetinaFace

property min_sizes#

Argument for image postprocessing step, min sizes, width and height for each anchor, default min_sizes = [[16, 32], [64, 128], [256, 512]]

predict(input_image, conf_threshold=0.7, nms_iou_threshold=0.3)[source]#

Detect the location and key points of human faces from an input image

  • input_image – (numpy.ndarray)The input image data, 3-D array with layout HWC, BGR format

  • conf_threshold – confidence threashold for postprocessing, default is 0.7

  • nms_iou_threshold – iou threashold for NMS, default is 0.3



property size#

Argument for image preprocessing step, the preprocess image size, tuple of (width, height), default (640, 640)

property variance#

Argument for image postprocessing step, variance in RetinaFace’s prior-box(anchor) generate process, default (0.1, 0.2)


class fastdeploy.vision.facedet.SCRFD(model_file, params_file='', runtime_option=None, model_format=<ModelFormat.ONNX: 2>)[source]#

Load a SCRFD model exported by SCRFD.

  • model_file – (str)Path of model file, e.g ./scrfd.onnx

  • params_file – (str)Path of parameters file, e.g yolox/model.pdiparams, if the model_fomat is ModelFormat.ONNX, this param will be ignored, can be set as empty string

  • runtime_option – (fastdeploy.RuntimeOption)RuntimeOption for inference this model, if it’s None, will use the default backend on CPU

  • model_format – (fastdeploy.ModelForamt)Model format of the loaded model


This function will disable normalize in preprocessing step.


This function will disable hwc2chw in preprocessing step.

property downsample_strides#

Argument for image postprocessing step, downsample strides (namely, steps) for SCRFD to generate anchors, will take (8,16,32) as default values


Get profile time of Runtime after the profile process is done.

property landmarks_per_face#

Argument for image postprocessing step, landmarks_per_face, default 5 in SCRFD

property max_nms#

Argument for image postprocessing step, the upperbond number of boxes processed by nms, default 30000

property num_anchors#

Argument for image postprocessing step, anchor number of each stride, default 2

predict(input_image, conf_threshold=0.7, nms_iou_threshold=0.3)[source]#

Detect the location and key points of human faces from an input image

  • input_image – (numpy.ndarray)The input image data, 3-D array with layout HWC, BGR format

  • conf_threshold – confidence threashold for postprocessing, default is 0.7

  • nms_iou_threshold – iou threashold for NMS, default is 0.3



property size#

Argument for image preprocessing step, the preprocess image size, tuple of (width, height), default (640, 640)

property use_kps#

Argument for image postprocessing step, the outputs of onnx file with key points features or not, default true


class fastdeploy.vision.facedet.UltraFace(model_file, params_file='', runtime_option=None, model_format=<ModelFormat.ONNX: 2>)[source]#

Load a UltraFace model exported by UltraFace.

  • model_file – (str)Path of model file, e.g ./ultraface.onnx

  • params_file – (str)Path of parameters file, e.g yolox/model.pdiparams, if the model_fomat is ModelFormat.ONNX, this param will be ignored, can be set as empty string

  • runtime_option – (fastdeploy.RuntimeOption)RuntimeOption for inference this model, if it’s None, will use the default backend on CPU

  • model_format – (fastdeploy.ModelForamt)Model format of the loaded model


Get profile time of Runtime after the profile process is done.

predict(input_image, conf_threshold=0.7, nms_iou_threshold=0.3)[source]#

Detect the location and key points of human faces from an input image

  • input_image – (numpy.ndarray)The input image data, 3-D array with layout HWC, BGR format

  • conf_threshold – confidence threashold for postprocessing, default is 0.7

  • nms_iou_threshold – iou threashold for NMS, default is 0.3



property size#

Argument for image preprocessing step, the preprocess image size, tuple of (width, height), default (320, 240)


class fastdeploy.vision.facedet.YOLOv5Face(model_file, params_file='', runtime_option=None, model_format=<ModelFormat.ONNX: 2>)[source]#

Load a YOLOv5Face model exported by YOLOv5Face.

  • model_file – (str)Path of model file, e.g ./yolov5face.onnx

  • params_file – (str)Path of parameters file, e.g yolox/model.pdiparams, if the model_fomat is ModelFormat.ONNX, this param will be ignored, can be set as empty string

  • runtime_option – (fastdeploy.RuntimeOption)RuntimeOption for inference this model, if it’s None, will use the default backend on CPU

  • model_format – (fastdeploy.ModelForamt)Model format of the loaded model


Get profile time of Runtime after the profile process is done.

property landmarks_per_face#

Argument for image postprocessing step, landmarks_per_face, default 5 in YOLOv5Face

predict(input_image, conf_threshold=0.25, nms_iou_threshold=0.5)[source]#

Detect the location and key points of human faces from an input image

  • input_image – (numpy.ndarray)The input image data, 3-D array with layout HWC, BGR format

  • conf_threshold – confidence threashold for postprocessing, default is 0.25

  • nms_iou_threshold – iou threashold for NMS, default is 0.5



property size#

Argument for image preprocessing step, the preprocess image size, tuple of (width, height), default size = [640,640]