
paddle.amp.debugging. disable_tensor_checker ( ) [source]

disable_tensor_checker() is used to disable accuracy checking, and is used together with enable_tensor_checker(config) to achieve model-level precision checking by checking the output Tensors of all operators within the specified range.


If disable_tensor_checker() is called before backward(), the gradient operator will not be checked; If disable_tensor_checker() is called before optimizer.step(), the optimizer and other weight update related operators will not be checked.


>>> import paddle

>>> checker_config = paddle.amp.debugging.TensorCheckerConfig(enable=True, debug_mode=paddle.amp.debugging.DebugMode.CHECK_NAN_INF)
>>> paddle.amp.debugging.enable_tensor_checker(checker_config)

>>> x = paddle.to_tensor([1, 0, 3], place=paddle.CPUPlace(), dtype='float32', stop_gradient=False)
>>> y = paddle.to_tensor([0.2, 0, 0.5], place=paddle.CPUPlace(), dtype='float32')
>>> res = paddle.pow(x, y)
>>> paddle.autograd.backward(res, retain_graph=True)
>>> paddle.amp.debugging.disable_tensor_checker()
>>> # [PRECISION] [ERROR] in [device=cpu, op=elementwise_pow_grad, tensor=, dtype=fp32], numel=3, num_nan=1, num_inf=0, num_zero=0, max=2.886751e-01, min=2.000000e-01, mean=-nan

>>> # when DebugMode.CHECK_NAN_INF_AND_ABORT and stack_height_limit = 1
>>> # Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> #      res = paddle.pow(x, y)
>>> #    File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/paddle/tensor/math.py", line 447, in pow
>>> #      return _C_ops.elementwise_pow(x, y)