
class LRScheduler ( learning_rate=0.1, last_epoch=- 1, verbose=False ) [source]

LRScheduler Base class. Define the common interface of a learning rate scheduler.

There are currently 17 strategies implemented in paddle based on this base class, which are:

  • NoamDecay: Related algorithms are derived from *Attention Is All You Need* . Please refer to NoamDecay.

  • ExponentialDecay: The next learning rate is obtained by multiplying the current learning rate by a given decay rate. Please refer to ExponentialDecay.

  • NaturalExpDecay: Each time the current learning rate is multiplied by the natural index of the given decay rate to obtain the next learning rate. Please refer to NaturalExpDecay.

  • InverseTimeDecay: The resulting learning rate is inversely proportional to the current number of decays. Please refer to InverseTimeDecay.

  • PolynomialDecay: The resulting learning rate is the interpolation of the score points between the initial learning rate and the given final learning determined by polynomial computation weights. Please refer to PolynomialDecay.

  • PiecewiseDecay: Segments decay in a step-like fashion by a given number of steps, and each segment has the same learning rate. Please refer to PiecewiseDecay.

  • CosineAnnealingDecay: The learning rate varies periodically with the number of steps as a cosine function. Please refer to CosineAnnealingDecay.

  • LinearWarmup: The learning rate increases linearly with the number of steps to the specified learning rate. Please refer to LinearWarmup.

  • StepDecay: The learning rate decays every fixed interval number of steps, and the number of step intervals needs to be specified. Please refer to StepDecay.

  • MultiStepDecay: The learning rate decays at a specific number of steps, and the node location at which the decay occurs needs to be specified. Please refer to MultiStepDecay.

  • LambdaDecay: The learning rate decays according to a custom lambda function. Please refer to LambdaDecay.

  • ReduceOnPlateau: The learning rate is adaptively adjusted according to the current metric (typically loss), and the learning rate is attenuated when the loss becomes stable. Please refer to ReduceOnPlateau.

  • MultiplicativeDecay: The resulting learning rate is obtained by multiplying the current learning rate each time by a lambda function. Please refer to MultiplicativeDecay.

  • OneCycleLR: The learning rate goes up to the maximum and then down to the minimum. Please refer to OneCycleLR.

  • CyclicLR: Think of the process of learning rate change as a cycle, with the learning rate changing between the minimum and maximum learning rates according to a fixed frequency. Please refer to CyclicLR.

  • LinearLR: The learning rate increases linearly with the number of steps to the specified learning rate. Please refer to LinearLR.

  • CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts: The learning rate varies periodically with the number of steps as a cosine function. Please refer to CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts.

User can import it by from import LRScheduler ,

then overload it for your subclass and have a custom implementation of get_lr() .

Otherwise, an NotImplementedError exception will be thrown.

  • learning_rate (float) – The initial learning rate. It is a python float number.

  • last_epoch (int, optional) – The index of last epoch. Can be set to restart training. Default: -1, means initial learning rate.

  • verbose (bool, optional) – If True, prints a message to stdout for each update. Default: False .


instance to schedule learning rate.


Here is an example of a simple StepDecay implementation.

>>> import paddle
>>> from import LRScheduler

>>> class StepDecay(LRScheduler):
...     def __init__(self,
...                 learning_rate,
...                 step_size,
...                 gamma=0.1,
...                 last_epoch=-1,
...                 verbose=False):
...         if not isinstance(step_size, int):
...             raise TypeError(
...                 "The type of 'step_size' must be 'int', but received %s." %
...                 type(step_size))
...         if gamma >= 1.0:
...             raise ValueError('gamma should be < 1.0.')
...         self.step_size = step_size
...         self.gamma = gamma
...         super().__init__(learning_rate, last_epoch, verbose)
...     def get_lr(self):
...         i = self.last_epoch // self.step_size
...         return self.base_lr * (self.gamma**i)
step ( epoch=None )


step should be called after optimizer.step . It will update the learning rate in optimizer according to current epoch . The new learning rate will take effect on next optimizer.step .


epoch (int, None) – specify current epoch. Default: None. Auto-increment from last_epoch=-1.




>>> import paddle
>>> value = paddle.arange(26, dtype='float32')
>>> a = paddle.reshape(value, [2, 13])
>>> linear = paddle.nn.Linear(13, 5)
>>> adadelta = paddle.optimizer.Adadelta(learning_rate=0.0003, epsilon=1e-06, rho=0.95,
...                             parameters = linear.parameters())
>>> out = linear(a)
>>> out.backward()
>>> adadelta.step()
>>> adadelta.clear_grad()
>>> import paddle
>>> value = paddle.arange(26, dtype='float32')
>>> a = paddle.reshape(value, [2, 13])
>>> linear = paddle.nn.Linear(13, 5)
>>> adadelta = paddle.optimizer.Adadelta(learning_rate=0.0003, epsilon=1e-06, rho=0.95,
...                             parameters = linear.parameters())
>>> out = linear(a)
>>> out.backward()
>>> adadelta.step()
>>> adadelta.clear_grad()
state_dict ( )


Returns the state of the scheduler as a dict.

It is a subset of self.__dict__ .

state_keys ( )


For those subclass who overload LRScheduler (Base Class). Acquiescently, “last_epoch, last_lr” will be saved by self.keys = ['last_epoch', 'last_lr'] .

last_epoch is the current epoch num, and last_lr is the current learning rate.

If you want to change the default behavior, you should have a custom implementation of _state_keys() to redefine self.keys .

set_state_dict ( state_dict )


Loads the schedulers state.

set_dict ( state_dict )


Loads the schedulers state.

get_lr ( )


For those subclass who overload LRScheduler (Base Class), User should have a custom implementation of get_lr() .

Otherwise, an NotImplementedError exception will be thrown.