Context APIs


CustomContext is the acutal parameter of the template parameter Context of the custom kernel function. For details, please refer to custom_context.h.

  // Constructor
  // Parameter:place - CustomPlace object
  // Return:None
  explicit CustomContext(const CustomPlace&);

  // Destructor
  virtual ~CustomContext();

  // Get the contextual place in the device
  // Parameter:None
  // Return:place - Place object
  const Place& GetPlace() const override;

  // Get the contextual stream in the device
  // Parameter:None
  // Return:stream - void* pointer
  void* stream() const;

  // Wait for the completion of operations on the stream
  // Parameter:None
  // Return:None
  void Wait() const override;


CustomContext originates from DeviceContextp,please refer to device_context.h

  // No-Parameter constructor

  // Copy constructor
  DeviceContext(const DeviceContext&);

  // Move constructor

  // Move assignment operator
  DeviceContext& operator=(DeviceContext&&);

  // Destructor
  virtual ~DeviceContext();

  // Set device allocator
  // Parameter:Allocator pointer
  // Return:None
  void SetAllocator(const Allocator*);

  // Set host allocator
  // Parameter:Allocator pointer
  // Return:None
  void SetHostAllocator(const Allocator*);

  // Set zero-size allocator
  // Parameter:Allocator pointer
  // Return:None
  void SetZeroAllocator(const Allocator*);

  // Get Allocator
  // Parameter:None
  // Return:Allocator object
  const Allocator& GetAllocator() const;

  // Get Host allocator
  // Parameter:None
  // Return:Allocator object
  const Allocator& GetHostAllocator() const;

  // Get zero-size allocator
  // Parameter:None
  // Return:Allocator object
  const Allocator& GetZeroAllocator() const;

  // Allocate the device memory for Tensor
  // Parameter: TensorBase pointer
  //      dtype - DataType variable
  //      requested_size - size_t variable with the default value of 0
  // Return:data pointer - void* pointer
  void* Alloc(TensorBase*, DataType dtype, size_t requested_size = 0) const;

  // Allocate device memory for Tensor
  // Template Parameter:T - data type
  // Parameter:TensorBase pointer
  //      requested_size - size_t variable, 0 by default
  // Return:data pointer - T* pointer
  template <typename T>
  T* Alloc(TensorBase* tensor, size_t requested_size = 0) const;

  // Allocate host memory for Tensor
  // Parameter:TensorBase pointer
  //      dtype - DataType variable
  //      requested_size - size_t variable, 0 by default
  // Return:data pointer - void* pointer
  void* HostAlloc(TensorBase* tensor,
                  DataType dtype,
                  size_t requested_size = 0) const;

  // Allocate host storage for Tensor
  // Template Parameter:T - data type
  // Parameter:TensorBase pointer
  //      requested_size - size_t variable, 0 by default
  // Return:data pointer - T* data pointer
  template <typename T>
  T* HostAlloc(TensorBase* tensor, size_t requested_size = 0) const;

  // Get the contextual information of the place, and implement sub interfaces
  // Parameter:None
  // Return:place - Place object
  virtual const Place& GetPlace() const = 0;

  // Wait for the completion of operations on the stream, and implement sub interfaces
  // Parameter:None
  // Return:None
  virtual void Wait() const {}

  // Set the random number generator
  // Parameter:Generator pointer
  // Return:None
  void SetGenerator(Generator*);

  // Get the random number generator
  // Parameter:None
  // Return:Generator pointer
  Generator* GetGenerator() const;

  // Set the Host random number generator
  // Parameter:Generator pointer
  // Return:None
  void SetHostGenerator(Generator*);

  // Get the Host random number generator
  // Parameter:None
  // Return:Generator pointer
  Generator* GetHostGenerator() const;

Relevant Information