
paddle.static.nn. static_pylayer ( forward_fn, inputs, backward_fn=None, name=None ) [source]

This API returns forward_fn(inputs), and two sub-block are created based on the logic of forward_fn and backward_fn, with the operator pylayer holding information about the two blocks.

forward_fn and backward_fn should return a nest structure of Variables. A nest structure of Variables in PaddlePaddle is Variable(s), or tuple of Variables, or list of Variables.


1. If backward_fn is not None, user needs to keep the number of Variable inputs to forward_fn the same as the number of Variable outputs to backward_fn, and the number of Variable outputs to forward_fn the same as the number of Variable inputs to backward_fn.

2. If backward_fn is None, stop_gradient attr of all Variable in inputs is expected to be True. Otherwise it might get unexpected results in backward propagation.

  1. This API can only be used under static graph mode.

  • forward_fn (callable) – A callable to be performed in forward propagation

  • inputs (list[Variable]) – The list of input Variable to the forward_fn

  • backward_fn (callable, optional) – A callable to be performed in backward propagation. Default: None, which means no need to do backward propagation.

  • name (str, optional) – The default value is None . Normally users don’t have to set this parameter. For more information, please refer to Name .


returns the output of forward_fn(inputs)

Return type



>>> import paddle
>>> import numpy as np

>>> paddle.enable_static()

>>> def forward_fn(x):
...     return paddle.exp(x)

>>> def backward_fn(dy):
...     return 2 * paddle.exp(dy)

>>> main_program = paddle.static.Program()
>>> start_program = paddle.static.Program()

>>> place = paddle.CPUPlace()
>>> exe = paddle.static.Executor(place)
>>> with paddle.static.program_guard(main_program, start_program):
...     data ="X", shape=[None, 5], dtype="float32")
...     data.stop_gradient = False
...     ret = paddle.static.nn.static_pylayer(forward_fn, [data], backward_fn)
...     data_grad = paddle.static.gradients([ret], data)[0]

>>> x = np.array([[1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0]], dtype=np.float32)
>>> x, x_grad, y =
...     main_program,
...     feed={"X": x},
...     fetch_list=[
...     ],
... )

>>> print(x)
[[1. 2. 3. 4. 5.]]
>>> print(x_grad)
[[5.4365635 5.4365635 5.4365635 5.4365635 5.4365635]]
>>> print(y)
[[  2.7182817   7.389056   20.085537   54.59815   148.41316  ]]